Fitting models try on clothing for manufacturers to observe the fit and comfort. This type of modeling is easier to book and requires no special training, but a portfolio and specific body measurements may be necessary. Jobs are short-term and can provide extra income.
A fitting model is hired by clothing manufacturers to try on the garments being produced to allow the designers to observe the garments on real people and provide feedback on issues such as comfort. While working as a montage model can be less glamorous than walking the runways or posing for fashion shows, montage jobs tend to be easier to book than high-profile modeling jobs and are generally less time consuming as well. There is usually no special training required to become a suitable model, although candidates may need a portfolio and generally must conform to the body measurements required by specific jobs.
Clothing manufacturers hire suitable models to ensure near-completed designs “work” on real people. Generally, a suitable model will report to the manufacturer’s workroom and try on one or more garments. After dressing each garment, the fitting model can be asked to stand still so that the designer can observe the fit of the garment. She may also be asked to walk around so that the designer can observe any issues, such as bunching, that may occur with movement. In addition, it may be asked to comment on issues such as the comfort of an item of clothing.
A proper model’s job may lack the glamor and big pay that is common to high-profile modeling jobs. As clothing manufacturers often need assembly mockups to test each new design in a variety of sizes, however, the number of assembly tasks available at any given time often far exceeds the number of available tasks. Furthermore, unlike high-profile modeling jobs, montage work does not place much value on specific conceptions of physical beauty, making it an open field for many.
Another advantage of assembly work is that individual jobs tend to last only about two hours. This means that a suitable model could potentially have a significant amount of free time or could pursue a suitable job as a secondary source of income. Since jobs are often contracted out on a one-time basis, however, full-time models may have to spend a significant amount of time each week lining up accessories. Working with a suitable agency can eliminate the need to hire jobs yourself.
Generally, there is no special training required to become a suitable model. To book jobs, however, applicants may need a portfolio that includes a resume in addition to full photographs. Also, a model will generally only be reserved for a specific job if its measurements match those requested by that job.