Older siblings have a significant influence on younger siblings, with studies showing they can impact habits, academic success, and even pregnancy. Birth order has no influence on personality, but firstborns tend to be the smartest and middle children develop meaningful friendships outside the family.
Kids often look up to their older brothers and sisters — both literally and figuratively — but research now suggests that sibling relationships may be more important than previously believed. Several studies conducted over the past two decades reveal that an older sibling’s actions may be more influential on a younger child than those of that child’s parents. Older siblings have been found to influence whether a younger sibling picks up bad habits, succeeds in studies, or even becomes pregnant. For example, a 2004 study found that people are 25% more likely to smoke cigarettes and 36% more likely to drink alcohol if an older sibling does, regardless of parental habits. And according to a 2009 survey, a young woman is five times more likely to have a baby if her older sister is already pregnant. Finally, a 2014 study found that academic support from an older sibling translates into academic success for younger siblings, especially in families where parents face disadvantages, such as language barriers.
All about brothers and sisters:
They might deny it, but most parents actually have favorite children, according to a study from the University of California.
A Leipzig University study found that firstborns are often the smartest, but birth order appears to have no influence on personality.
Middle children are more likely to develop meaningful friendships outside the family and tend to be the first to leave on their own.