Smoke bombs release smoke when activated and can be used for marking, special effects, or obscuring vision. They contain an oxidizing agent, fuel source, moderating compound, and organic dye. There are three types: smokeball, smoke candle, and smoke canister. Smoke bombs are generally safe but can be designed to release irritants for military or law enforcement use.
Smoke bombs are a form of firework designed to release large amounts of smoke once the device is triggered. In some cases, the smoke bomb is designed to be used as a marking or signaling device that can help identify a location. Other times, the bomb can be used as part of the special effects used in a stage or stage production. The smoke bomb can also be used as a means of obscuring line of vision for a short period of time.
The basic functionality of a smoke bomb involves the use of some type of oxidizing agent, such as potassium chlorate, along with a fuel source and some type of moderating compound. All these elements are combined with a powdered organic dye. When the device is turned on or activated, the dye is released into the open air and immediately converts to a smoke form which coats the area for a short period of time.
There are three basic designs for a smoke bomb. The smokeball is a round device often constructed of a clay shell. Compounds within the smokeball are released when the ball is shattered and can deliver a believable amount of smoke for several seconds. This type of smoke bomb usually has a limited range and is ideal for use in creating a quick diversion or for use in theatrical productions.
Smoke candles provide the effect of creating a field of smoke for a longer period of time. Usually cylindrical in shape, the smoke candle looks like a large firecracker. Once activated, such a smoke bomb will continue to produce a thick cloud of smoke for five to ten minutes with ease. Candles are often useful as a smoke testing device in various industrial applications, as well as for creating a believable smoke screen for use by law enforcement or some types of outdoor play.
The smoke canister is the third common configuration for the smoke bomb. Sometimes known as a smoke grenade, the canister is activated by removing a pin, much like a grenade. Once the pin is removed, this type of smoke bomb will emit a steady stream of smoke over a long period of time. Smoke bombs are ideal for signaling situations, such as during military manoeuvres.
In general, the smoke bomb is intended to produce a visual effect only. The vast majority of devices are specifically designed to be safe smoke generators that will only generate a minimal amount of heat. However, smoke bombs that release eye irritants and other elements can be designed for use in specific situations, often related to military or law enforcement procedures.