An analytical essay is a detailed exploration of a particular topic, often a written work, with a focus on specific literary techniques. It is organized around a thesis and supported by specific passages from the text. Analytical essays are commonly used in literary criticism and can be structured in various ways.
An analytical essay is a written composition intended to provide in-depth investigation and exposition of a particular topic, usually another written work. A high school or college student will often need to write many analytical essays during his or her time in school, and many literary critics publish collections of such essays. It is especially common for an analytical essay to be written on a piece of literature, examining how the various literary techniques employed by the writer contribute to the themes of the work. Such essays are often technical and quite complex, relying not on broad generalities and broad themes, but on highly specific elements of the author’s work such as diction, organization, use of detail, and other specialized literary principles.
There are many important characteristics that characterize an analytical essay, but it is important to remember that, with reason and within reason, most of these rules are not overly strict. Almost all analysis essays are organized around a topic that is stated in a paragraph of the thesis near the beginning of the essay. The argument is then structured according to the particular technical elements within the text that support the argument. In many cases, each paragraph or group of paragraphs will address only one of these points so that the arguments don’t get tangled and confuse the reader. A writer can format an analysis essay in many different ways, but this is typically the most common and standard organizational format.
A very important part of an analytical essay is that it is based entirely on the text. Generic statements that cannot be linked to specific passages of the analyzed text are rarely useful in an analytical essay. It is generally helpful to cite specific passages from the text in support of the argument: this also helps people who are less familiar with the work being analyzed to follow along with the argument. By including specific citations and quotes, the essay writer can directly show the reader relevant passages that support his or her thesis.
Taken out of the classroom and into the upper echelons of academia, analytical essays are often used to express ideas in literary criticism. Such essays are sometimes grouped into books dealing with a group of similar works of literature or works written by a single author. There are many different schools of thought in the area of literary criticism that can inform the writing, direction, and style of an analytical essay. Academics sometimes get into heated debates about the “right” and “wrong” ways to approach literary criticism and the correct approach to analytical essays.