Acne keloidalis nuchae is a skin condition caused by chronic inflammation of hair follicles, more common in men with short, stiff hair and darker skin. It can cause scarring and hair loss. Treatment includes steroid injections or creams and changing grooming practices.
Acne keloidalis nuchae is a skin condition caused by chronic inflammation of the hair follicles around the head, neck and chin. This condition is more likely among men, particularly men with short, stiff hair and darker skin. It can cause significant scarring and hair loss plaques. Treatments are available, and a dermatologist can help a patient develop an appropriate treatment plan.
In patients with acne keloidalis nuchae, chronic folliculitis develops due to ingrown hairs. This tends to occur due to shaving. Shaving leaves hair with a very sharp point that can irritate the skin if the hair grows back crooked or crooked. The inflammation will cause a raised bump to appear. The bump can fill with pus and other fluids and is usually red and painful. Over time, the chronic skin irritation will destroy the follicles, making hair growth impossible, and patients will have rough, painful skin.
Acne keloidalis nuchae will form plaques of irritated tissue. Patients may notice scales and crusts around the inflamed area, and the skin may feel warm and rough. It often starts around the back of the head, especially near the crease in the neck, and can spread if the patient doesn’t take steps to address it. The first line of treatment is steroid injections or creams to curb inflammation. Once the skin returns to a more normal condition, the patient can work to prevent recurrence.
Men are more at risk of acne keloidalis nuchae because they tend to cut or shave their hair very short to manage it. One option is to change your grooming practices and allow your hair to grow more naturally. For patients who cannot do this, it is important to wash the skin thoroughly with soap and warm water before any grooming activity. The heat will soften the skin and open up the follicles, while the soap will remove dirt and organisms that could be causing folliculitis. It is recommended to use a sharp razor or hair clipper and avoid sharing personal hygiene products.
Paying special attention to hair and skin regimens should prevent acne keloidalis nuchae from flaring up again. The patient may be left with significant scarring if the original condition is allowed to progress. Over time, the skin and hair can recover, as long as the patient prevents inflammation. For people concerned about scarred plaques and spots, changing up your hairstyle can help hide it while your skin recovers.