Credit risk insurance covers extended credit risk, such as trade credit or received credit. Trade credit insurance is the most common type and covers potential loss from non-payment for goods delivered. Consumer credit risk insurance ensures repayment of personal loans. Monthly premiums are charged, and there is a limit on the credit that can be granted to a customer. Consumer credit risk insurance can be purchased to secure various types of consumer loans.
Credit risk insurance is insurance that covers extended credit risk, such as trade credit or received credit, such as consumer credit risk insurance. Trade credit insurance is the most common type of insurance sold, and it essentially covers any potential loss that may arise from non-payment for goods delivered. Consumer credit risk insurance ensures the repayment of your personal loans.
Trade credit risk insurance is an insurance policy that covers the payment risk involved in the delivery of goods or services sold on open credit. It typically covers a collection of buyers and pays them an agreed percentage of an account receivable or invoice that remains unpaid as a result of a prolonged bankruptcy, default, or insolvency by the buyer. Business credit risk insurance is purchased by businesses to ensure that they do not suffer losses if a buyer defaults.
This type of insurance can be important to a business because typically the top 20% of the accounts it maintains are responsible for about 80% of its profits. If one of those accounts were unable to pay, it could cause considerable damage to the accounts receivable department and the business as a whole. Business credit risk insurance can serve a business in other ways as well, as they can borrow against their accounts receivable and increase their sales credit without as much risk or worry.
With trade credit risk insurance, a monthly premium is generally charged, which is calculated as a percentage of sales for the month that is collected, or as a percentage of all outstanding accounts receivable. Either way, it’s usually a pretty low price. One of the stipulations of this type of insurance is that there is a limit on the credit that the business can grant to a customer so that sales to that customer are insured.
Consumer credit risk insurance, on the other hand, allows consumers to ensure repayment of the loans they received in the event that they are unable to pay due to job loss, disability, or death. It can be purchased to secure a variety of types of consumer loans, including auto, education, credit cards, home equity, and mortgage loans. In the case of a consumer loan payment, the refunded amount would not go to the consumer, but instead would be refunded to whatever institution made the loan, typically a bank or credit union.
Consumer credit risk insurance purchases are typically paid for as a lump sum added to the loan, increasing the loan amount and finance charge, or in a monthly premium. The monthly premium is typically calculated by multiplying the loan amount at any given time by a specified premium rate. Premium prices also often depend on whether it is a closed or open loan. Closed loans are for a fixed amount, while open loans can be increased at any time.
Smart Asset.