Woodworking is an ancient craft that has been used by humans for thousands of years. It was used by Neanderthals, Egyptians, and the Chinese. Today, most wooden objects are manufactured in factories, but some traditionalists still use wood from native lands. Famous woodworkers include Alvar Aalto, John Boson, and Mark Lindquist.
Woodworkers build, craft, or carve items using wood. In most cases, a cabinetmaker will work independently, although some cabinetmakers may be hired on a commission basis. Many woodworkers create everyday items such as chairs, tables and cabinets, as well as artistic pieces. Wood is one of the oldest crafts known to mankind.
Archaeologists have discovered that some of the first stone tools used by Neanderthals were used to cut wood. Thus, wood was one of the first materials ever used by man along with animal parts, stones and mud. It is believed that Neanderthals created wooden spears, kitchen utensils, bowls, vases and even wooden chairs.
Furthermore, woodworking is quite prevalent in many Egyptian cave designs. Additional evidence has also been uncovered to support the hypothesis that wood was an essential material for the Egyptians. Various wooden objects, from chests to tables, were preserved inside Egyptian tombs. These items include intricate carvings that indicate that the art of woodworking was very important to the Egyptians.
The ancient Chinese also depended heavily on the craft of the cabinetmaker. Chinese wooden furniture is still highly appreciated around the world today for its delicate beauty and practical durability. Most Chinese furniture made of wood is made from trees native to China. While this was true of any timber civilization, the beginning of shipping changed the way wooden items were made.
As soon as it was possible to transport all types of wood around the world, the common woodworker began experimenting with these newer materials. Earlier wooden objects were easily traced back to their origins based on the type of wood used, although this is no longer the case. Many modern woodworkers use wood from around the world, although some traditionalists have stuck to wood that can be found in native lands.
Unfortunately, the timber trade has largely disappeared in the western world. Since most wooden objects sold in the West are now manufactured in factories, there is little demand for the common woodworker. Still, some cabinet makers maintain small shops selling wooden furniture and art, although these items are of very little interest to consumers looking for value for money wooden objects.
Throughout history, many famous woodworkers have made an impact on society. Some of these great artists include Alvar Aalto, John Boson and Mark Lindquist. The cabinetmaker profession may not be in demand today, although cabinetmakers were once considered necessary parts of a functioning society.