Career coaches help people find and achieve their career goals, often by asking questions to determine qualifications and personality. They help clients define goals and provide encouragement and advice, and can be found through internet searches or recommendations. To become a career coach, psychology and business classes are recommended, and organizations offer training.
A career or job coach is someone who specializes in helping people find and achieve their career dreams. As many people are not satisfied with their jobs, this field is constantly growing. People typically hire career coaches to help them re-enter the workforce, succeed in a position, or find a job that fits perfectly with their personality and life goals. Career coaches are trained by organizations that focus on life coaching and personal improvement.
Typically, a career coach starts by asking a series of questions that are designed to address work experience and life goals. These questions are also used to determine qualifications for potential positions and understand the client’s personality. After recording responses and thinking about them, the career coach talks with the client about their strengths and weaknesses, and the two talk about desired goals.
Finally, the client must define one or more goals, ranging from goals to move up the corporate ladder to a position of more authority to a goal to pursue higher education. These goals are ultimately aimed at getting the client into work they really enjoy, and often include aspects of self-improvement and honest self-assessment. Once goals are set, the client and trainer talk about a timeline for achieving them, and the partnership moves to the next stage.
Once goals are set and the client works towards them, the career coach provides encouragement and advice. This encouragement can take the simple form of congratulating the customer on achieving milestones, or it can be more complex and involved. A career coach can, for example, provide information about job openings and offer tips on how best to apply for specific positions. As the client identifies the jobs they want to apply for, the career coach will help the client put together an application and may conduct mock interviews to relax and prepare the client.
There are several ways to find a career coach. An Internet search for “career coach” and your region will provide an ample list. You can also ask friends if they know anyone who has used a trainer, or you can look for recommendations through Internet forums and bulletin boards. When meeting multiple candidates, ask about qualifications and philosophy for finding a career coach that is a good fit.
If you’re interested in becoming a career coach, you’ll probably want to start preparing yourself in college with psychology and business classes. Many organizations offer training for career coaches, and you can review the literature to find out about requirements and qualifications. If you know a career coach, consider asking them about organizations that offer coach training and ask for recommendations.