A radial head fracture is a common type of elbow fracture that occurs when the radial head, a bone in the forearm, breaks due to a fall. Treatment options vary depending on the severity of the fracture, and it can be difficult to identify on an X-ray. Seeking medical attention is important for a better outcome.
A radial head fracture is a fracture that occurs in the radial head, an area of the radius, a bone in the forearm, which forms part of the elbow. This fracture is also known as an elbow fracture, although elbow fractures can actually involve several bones, not necessarily the radius, because the radial head fracture is the most common type of elbow fracture. Treatment options for this type of fracture vary according to the severity.
Most commonly, people develop a radial head fracture because they reach out to break a fall. The impact of the fall travels up the arm to the elbow, breaking the radial head. Fractures of other bones in the elbow may occur at the same time, and the elbow joint may also dislocate. Patients usually notice when they have this type of fracture because their elbows feel hot, swollen, and extremely painful, and their range of motion can be significantly limited.
Radial head fractures are classified as Type I, Type II, or Type III. Type I fractures are the least serious and can be treated with a simple splint or cast. Type II fractures are a little more complex, usually requiring surgery to fix the bone for healing, and type III fractures involve a break so severe that more pieces of bone are created during the break and could may need to remove the radial head and replace it with a graft or an artificial joint.
One of the major concerns with a radial head fracture is that it can be difficult to identify on an X-ray. A patient may be X-rayed and show no signs and receive minimal treatment, only to come back in several weeks, complaining of constant pain. The subsequent x-ray usually shows more damage to the elbow, caused by the broken bone not coming together or healing at a bad angle. For this reason, doctors try to pay close attention to the diagnosis of elbow injuries, taking the time to determine whether or not a fracture has occurred.
These fractures are seen more commonly in women than men and tend to be more common in people between the ages of 30 and 40. However, a radial head fracture can occur in people of any age, and as with other types of fracture, the sooner the patient receives treatment, the better the outcome. For this reason, people who suspect they have an elbow fracture should definitely seek the attention of a doctor who can examine the joint for signs of a fracture and provide the appropriate treatment.