Louis XIV, also known as the Sun King or Grand Monarch, was a 17th-century French monarch who implemented major reforms in government, reformed the legal system, and contributed extensively to French culture and the arts. He led France to military victories and expanded its control, and is credited with laying the foundations for the modern French state. His reign is considered a golden age in French history.
The Sun King, also known as Louis XIV, was a 17th-century French monarch widely regarded as one of the finest rulers in French history. Under the reign of the Sun King, France became a major power in Europe, with the nation’s prestige increasing thanks to the vast advances in culture under Louis XIV. Louis XIV is also known as the Grand Monarch, referring to the remarkable changes he wrought in France during his 17-year reign.
King Louis was born in 1638 to Louis XIII and Anne of Austria. His father died when he was nearly five, leading his mother to take over the French throne as its regent, with the assistance of Cardinal Mazarin, a man she disliked due to his Italian background. France was embroiled in social unrest and warfare in the early years of the king’s reign, with the war finally resulting in a treaty including the marriage of Louis XIV to Maria Theresa, the Infanta of Spain. A year later, in 1661, the Sun King took personal control of the French government.
When Louis XIV assumed power, he almost immediately set about instituting major reforms in French government. By taking personal control, he has cut off many players in government, including the French nobility, ruling as an absolute monarch. He radically reformed the French legal system, raised tax rates and contributed extensively to culture and the arts in France. One of his enduring successes was the construction of the Palace of Versailles, an iconic piece of French architecture.
The king adopted the sun as his personal icon, becoming known as the Sun King. The Palace of Versailles includes a room decorated with solar motifs, and iconic representations of the sun were also laid out in the plans for its gardens. The Sun King was also known for wearing lavish and festive attire that included jewels and other adornments, making him shine like the sun. His generous spending on French art and culture led to a flowering of philosophy, artistic expression, and other cultural accomplishments.
Under the Sun King, France enjoyed several military victories, as well as expanding and consolidating its control. The Sun King also succeeded in placing Philip V, a member of the French royal house, on the throne of Spain, ensuring that Spain and France would have peaceful relations. Many historians credit the Sun King with laying the foundations for the modern French state, and his reign is often considered a golden age in French history.