A moment was a unit of time measurement in medieval times, lasting 90 seconds. It was based on shadows on a sundial and no longer widely used after the invention of the mechanical clock. Today, it is used as a figure of speech for a short period of time. Time has been measured since ancient times, with the sundial being invented by the Egyptians. The word clock comes from the Latin word for bell, and poet Miroslav Holub proposed that a moment is the time it takes to read an average verse.
The amount of time in a moment is 90 seconds, or a minute and a half, according to its use as a unit of time measurement in medieval times dating back to the 8th century. This was based on placing shadows on a sundial, where the shadows moved across the dial 8 times in an hour. After the invention of the mechanical clock in the 13th century, a moment was no longer widely used as a specific unit of measurement. Moving forward in modern times, a moment has begun to be used as a figure of speech to loosely refer to any very short period of time.
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Time has been measured since at least 1500 BC, which is the earliest example of records indicating the measurement of time through the invention of the sundial by the ancient Egyptians.
The word clock comes from the medieval Latin word for bell and refers to the bell which was used to signal that it was time for monks to pray.
Poet Miroslav Holub proposed in 1990 that a moment is the unit of time it takes for a person to read an average verse.