Realistic fiction is a genre of narrative works that can be defined by subgenre, time period, and theme. It can also overlap with other genres, such as adventure or romance. Historical and contemporary time periods can further distinguish works of fiction, and problem novels emerged in the 1960s as a subgenre that deals with personal and social issues.
The term “fiction” refers to narrative works that are composed, in whole or in part, by their authors. Fiction can generally be separated into genres, one of which is realistic fiction, a work that, although composed by its author, is rooted in characters and events that may actually happen in real life. There are a few ways to look at the different types of this fiction, as the genre can be defined or classified in different ways. For example, a person might separate different works of realistic fiction by subgenre, time period, and theme or theme.
It is understandable that fiction can span multiple genres, which means that it can have two or more genres that overlap with each other in a story. A work of realistic fiction, for example, may also contain elements of adventure or romance, as long as the work remains within the parameters of the genre definition. As such, different types of realistic fiction can be said to include not only adventure and romance but also humorous stories, mysteries, and sports stories. Of course, the different types are not limited to just these genres or subgenres.
The time period also defines works of fiction, so realistic works of fiction can be distinguished by the time period in which the author places the events as they occur. Two general time periods are contemporary and historical. Contemporary fiction deals with characters and situations from the present, or from a few years in the past; historical fiction, on the other hand, takes place at some point in the story. These two general time periods can be further broken down into a more specific time, such as a specific year or span of years. For example, a realistic and historical work of fiction might take place during World War II.
Sometimes, when it comes to literature, realistic fiction is seen as synonymous with problem novels. Problem novels are works of literature that emerged towards the end of the 1960s. These novels dealt with personal and social topics such as abuse, coming of age, and death. Because there are a myriad of other issues or themes that could be addressed in problem novels, it’s impossible to give a comprehensive list of them all – just a few other examples of issues include poverty, racism, and sexual identity. Several works of realistic fiction can also be defined by the central issue or theme of the story.