Tower climber jobs involve installing and maintaining transmitting systems on various towers, including government radio and television, cell phone, and microwave relay towers. Climbers must also perform condition checks and change light bulbs on some of the tallest towers. The job requires not only climbing skills but also electronics expertise. Ground crew members face danger from falling tools, and tower painting crews face hazardous conditions.
There are various tower climber jobs such as working on government radio and television towers or cell phone and microwave relay towers. While some of the more common towers serve as antenna towers for civil and government communications, other jobs by tower climbers can be found on navigation towers and private radio system towers. Some of the tallest towers that utilize the skills of people who take up climbing jobs are commercial radio towers.
Many climbers’ jobs involve installing and maintaining antennas or other transmitting systems. The climbing component of most tower climber jobs is just one component of the job. Some towers are regularly climbed for nothing more than changing light bulbs. In some countries, laws require that the lights on some of the tallest towers be changed periodically to prevent the bulbs from burning out and leaving parts of the tower unmarked at night. Some of these extremely tall towers require almost half a day to go up and down.
Along with the tower antenna installers, other teams climb the towers to carry out condition checks on the towers, guide lines and lighting systems. One of the most demanding aspects of many tower climbers’ jobs is found in the task of getting materials and tools to the proper installation height on the tower. In most cases, the climber will climb the tower to the desired height and lower a rope to a ground crew member who will tie the rope to a required piece that has been pre-assembled on the ground, if possible. The tower worker will pull the part to installation height and secure the cable before starting to install the part on the tower.
Some of the most dangerous jobs associated with tower climber jobs are actually performed by the ground crew. A tool dropped from the top of a tower has enough force to kill a worker on the ground if hit. In addition to being able to climb, tower climbing jobs also require workers to be electronics experts, because much of these jobs involve performing tests and system checks using sophisticated electronic test equipment.
One of the most dangerous jobs for tower climbers is that of a tower painting crew. This job usually involves going up and down a tower covered in wet paint. This can create dangerous conditions for workers during most of the working hours.