Theology can be divided by religion, nation, individual theology, and specific areas of thought. The study of God and religion is not limited to Christianity and has a history in Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam. Theology can lead to the formation of new sects or beliefs, and discussions on specific aspects of God and faith have resulted in fighting and bloodshed.
There are many different types of theology. Theologies work on different levels as theology is the study of the nature of God or a god. First, types of theology can be divided by religion; second they can be divided by nation, cult or sect; third they can be divided by individual theology such as Calvinism or Lutheranism; and fourth, they can be divided by specific areas of theological thought such as what happens during the Eucharist.
Theology comes from the Greek words meaning ‘God’ and ‘to reason. It is, in essence, the study of God and religion. These types of studies are usually linked to academics and academic institutions, but need not be. In the past, such studies were fraught with dangers if the theologian expressed ideas contrary to the religious power in his vicinity. Theologies that went against the Catholic Church were called heresies, and many are difficult to study, since the records have been destroyed.
Any study of types of theology should not be limited to Christianity alone, although English and European-American texts dominate. Any religion can have a theology, if the nature of God or Gods is thoroughly discussed in academic circles. There are vibrant histories of theological study in Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam, for example.
Groups or sects can form around the theology of a man or a woman, as seen with the early modern theologies of Martin Luther, Jean Calvin, and Huldrych Zwingli. As Christianity developed, there were entire nations or groups of people who belonged to different sects. For example, there were the theologies of the Arians and the Manichaeans. Arianism was adopted by entire groups such as the Ostragoths and the Vandals.
Types of theology concerning individuals demonstrate a range of beliefs held by a person, as they shape a particular philosophy and set of beliefs. One of the defining conflicts between individual theologians occurred in the fourth and fifth centuries when Pelagius and Augustine of Hippo argued over the nature of sin. Augustine believed that humans are naturally born sinners and that the saved are predestined by God; so he created the theology of original sin. Pelagius believed that children were not born with sin, but were capable of becoming sinners and believed they could work their way to heaven through good deeds.
There are also many examples of types of theology within a religion or within an aspect of it that has not resulted in the creation of a new church or sect. For example, the study of each of the Gospels can lead to the formation of a new theology. There is, therefore, the theology of Paul, the theology of Mark and so on.
Much has been written about types of theology concerning specific aspects of God and faith. Such theological discussion often resulted in fighting, excommunication and bloodshed. One of the big discussions is the nature of the Holy Trinity: God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. The Catholic Church made the indivisible, effectively the same being, while Arianism believed that God created Christ and made him a separate being.