Urine cytology is a painless diagnostic test that examines cells in the urine to identify signs of disease, such as cancer or infection. Specimens are collected by asking for a clean sample or using a catheter. Further testing is needed to determine the cause of any abnormalities found.
Urine cytology is a microscopic examination of the cells present in the urine. It is a diagnostic test that may be ordered if a doctor suspects a patient has a cancerous growth in the urinary tract or if a patient appears to have urinary inflammation or infection. The test is painless for patients and is a very convenient tool for diagnosis and follow-up of medical treatments. Many labs can handle urine cytology testing and can ship samples if their technicians are unable to review them.
When people urinate, skin cells from within the urinary tract are released into the urine. In healthy individuals, there will be relatively few cells and they should all look normal. In people with urinary tract disease, more cells will be present, and some cells may have abnormalities. By examining the cells found in a urine sample, a lab technician can identify signs of disease.
Specimens for urine cytology are usually collected by asking the patient for a clean specimen, where the patient wipes the genitals, begins urinating to clear the urethra of any contaminants, and then finishes urinating in a sterile container. In some cases, a catheter may be used to collect urine if a sample cannot be collected by other means. It is important to avoid using the first urination of the day for urine cytology because it contains cells that have been carried over into the bladder overnight and these cells can be degraded, leading to a false positive.
Urine cytology may be ordered if a patient has blood in the urine or other symptoms of infection or malignancy, such as difficulty urinating, painful urination, strong-smelling urine, discolored urine, and frequent urges to urinate. A doctor may also use this diagnostic test as a follow-up for a patient who has received treatment for a urinary tract condition. If treatment was successful, urine cytology results should be clear, showing no abnormal cells in the urine.
The accuracy of this test varies. A lab technician can identify cellular changes but may not be able to determine what is causing the changes. If the cells are cancerous, further tests will be needed to pinpoint the site of the cancer and stage it. If your urine shows signs of inflammation or infection, tests can be used to find the root cause so it can be treated. Positive urine cytology results are usually verified with further testing before treatment recommendations are made.