Buying a star for a loved one may seem like the ultimate gift, but it is not legally recognized and official astronomical departments will not validate the name. Many websites sell stars without a license to name them, causing controversy in the market. It is a romantic gift, but don’t expect a high return value.
When it comes to Valentine’s Day or birthdays, there’s one gift that reaches heights no other gift literally can. That is, buy a star for your partner or loved one. In fact, when you buy a star, you don’t actually own the star. You have no legal rights and cannot claim the star to be yours.
If you type the words “buy a star” into an Internet search engine, you will find many websites that will do this service for you, for a price. For around 50-80 US dollars (USD), you will receive a certificate with your star location. He will tell you that this particular star was named after you, but this shouldn’t be taken too seriously. Official astronomical departments will not validate or recognize your star name.
When you purchase a star, the star name you choose will be registered and copyrighted in a list of all star names. When you really can’t think of the perfect gift for a loved one, buying a star may seem like the ultimate declaration of love, but it shouldn’t be taken too seriously as a purchase. Most websites that sell stars don’t have a license to name stars, but that doesn’t stop them from selling them.
With a trillion stars in the sky, selling stars may seem like the ideal way to make money. There has been some controversy in the star buying market. The International Astronomical Union is the only scientific body capable of actually naming stars. If you type your name into an astronomy star site, your star will not appear.
“Buy a Star” vendors claim it’s a fun product that educates people about astronomy. However, many people believe that when they buy a star they actually own that star and it is officially named after their chosen person. There have been cases of people being taken to court for posting claims that selling stars is a fraudulent practice.
If you like the idea of being able to buy “a little” of a star, then this is the ideal gift. It is a very romantic and unusual gift and will last a lifetime. Don’t expect it to have a very high return value when you try to sell it.