Teratocarcinoma is a rare germ cell cancer that usually develops in the reproductive system and can spread quickly. It is related to teratomas, but teratocarcinoma is typically malignant. Early detection and treatment are crucial for successful outcomes. Regular checkups and paying attention to physical changes can help with prevention.
Teratocarcinoma is a type of germ cell cancer that can affect both humans and many animals. Germ cells are found almost exclusively in the reproductive system, and as a result this type of cancer usually develops in the ovaries or testicles. It is typically a fast-growing cancer, which means it can spread very quickly. As such, it’s not uncommon for it to be discovered somewhere else, particularly in the brain or inside the mouth. In rare cases, growth may begin outside the reproductive tract, but this usually only happens in cases of birth defects or abnormalities during gestation that place germ cells in unusual places. If cancer is caught early, there’s usually a good chance of a cure, but a lot depends on how aggressive the growths are and how far they’ve spread throughout the body. Most medical experts recommend regular screenings and exams to detect growths before they become bulky.
Early development
This type of cancer is generally considered to be quite rare and occurs only when there are definite defects in the genetic coding of one or more germ cells. Sometimes this defect is hereditary, but more often it is the result of some error during training or some trigger caused by the environment.
Most cancers are characterized by rapid, uncontrolled cell growth, and this is no exception. The affected germ cell or cells begin to regenerate so fast and so frequently that they form a growth known as a tumor. Sometimes that tumor grows outward, becoming a large, identifiable lump, but it can also stay small and try to branch out, often trying to spread to nearby tissues and organs. This type of cancer frequently spreads throughout the lymphatic system, for example, and with the help of lymphatic fluid it can circulate to almost any part of the body.
Relationship with teratomas
A teratocarcinoma is often discussed in conjunction with teratomas, and both are names for abnormal growths of germ cells; the two are related, but are not to be confused. The main difference is that a teratoma is usually a benign tumor. Teratocarcinoma, on the other hand, is typically composed of either a teratoma and an embryonal carcinoma – a relatively rare and malignant form of cancer of the ovaries or testicles – or a teratoma and a choriocarcinoma, which is an aggressive and malignant cancer that involves the trophoblasts. Trophoblasts are specialized cells that make up the outer layer of blastocytic cells, which supply the embryo with nutrients and form a large part of the placenta.
Both, however, are pretty bad things. This is why their name was appropriately chosen. The word “terato” has Greek origins and roughly means “monster”. The reason these things are “monstrous” is because they may contain organ or tissue components that are normally found in other areas of the body, such as teeth, skin, and bones. Sometimes entire limbs and organs of non-viable fetuses can also be found in these growths, either as a result of a failed pregnancy or as a result of an unknown, non-viable twin present at a person’s initial gestation.
Diagnosis and treatment
Teratocarcinoma may come to the patient’s attention through a painless testicular lump, troubling abdominal sensations, or menstrual abnormalities. These symptoms, of course, don’t necessarily mean that something as serious as cancer is present. The patient will usually see a urological or gynecological oncologist who will perform an examination and, if a growth is discovered, take a biopsy for a pathologist to examine.
Treatment of germ cell tumors typically has a high success rate depending on the stage at which the disease is diagnosed. Early diagnosis and treatment lead to the best outcomes and longest survival. The most common suite of treatments for the disease includes radiation, chemotherapy and surgery, which can also be effective if it has metastasized or spread to other parts of the body. Nutrition, exercise, and other lifestyle modifications also play an important role in recovery.
Prevention strategies
There’s not much people can do to prevent this type of cancer, but getting regular checkups can be a good way to make sure it’s caught early. Paying attention to physical changes and getting help whenever something seems wrong can also help, particularly in people with a family history of cancer. For men, testicular self-examination often plays into this. Since the ovaries are internal organs, this is not a practical tip for women.