Grover’s disease is a skin disorder that affects Caucasian men over 40, causing itchy red patches on the chest and back. It is suspected to be related to blocked sweat ducts and is treated with antibiotics, antifungal drugs, and topical steroids. It rarely affects women, young people, or children and is more likely to affect men who are not healthy. Outbreaks usually last between six and 12 months, but some individuals relapse regularly over a period of years. There is no cure, but treatments include cortisone pills, creams, or topical injections, antifungal medications, antibiotics, and other therapies depending on the severity of the condition.
Grover’s disease or transient acantholytic dermatosis is a skin disorder that most often affects Caucasian men over the age of 40. Patients develop itchy red patches on the chest and back. In 2011, dermatologists didn’t know what caused Grover’s disease, but they suspected it might be related to blocked sweat ducts. They treat the disorder with antibiotics, antifungal drugs, and topical steroids.
This condition rarely affects women, young people or children. It occurs more often during hot weather and is more likely to affect men who are not healthy. Some men develop the disorder while in hospital.
Irregular red patches appear on the upper chest and back. The spots are intensely itchy and may bleed a little, blister or scab. Some patients with the disease also develop dermatitis. Patches of dry, itchy skin develop in the affected area. The rash sometimes spreads to other parts of the body.
Outbreaks usually last between six and 12 months, but some individuals relapse regularly over a period of years, often in cyclical seasonal patterns. Other people experience occasional flare-ups if they are exposed to factors that trigger the condition. Many patients who develop Grover’s disease in the hospital recover as soon as they regain mobility.
Men who spend a lot of time outdoors in the heat or who sweat a lot could exacerbate the symptoms of Grover’s disease. Other triggers include overexposure to bright sunlight and sun-damaged skin. Dry skin could also be a factor.
A dermatologist can often diagnose Grover’s disease by looking at the rash, but some doctors may want to take a skin biopsy to be sure of the diagnosis. The disorder has a distinct appearance under a microscope. Skin cells are sometimes unusually rounded and are usually loose.
There was no cure for Grover’s disease as of 2011. Dermatologists treat the rash with cortisone pills, creams, or topical injections, but this only provides temporary relief. The rash usually returns as soon as the patient stops using the drug.
Doctors might also recommend antifungal medications or antibiotics such as tetracycline. Diphemanil methyl sulfate powder reduces itching in some patients. Calcipotriol creams, anti-itch lotions, and moisturizers may also help. Some doctors might also recommend oral retinoids or light therapy depending on the severity of the condition. Men with this disease can reduce outbreaks by staying out of the heat.