Toenail psoriasis is caused by excessive cell production due to hereditary factors, stress, weakened immune system, and dietary deficiencies. Symptoms include red, flaky, itchy skin, pitted nails, thickened skin, and loose nails. Treatment involves topical medications, keeping feet clean and dry, and adding zinc supplements to the diet. There is no permanent cure, but treatment options are available.
Toenail psoriasis is a topical problem resulting from excessive cell production often caused by hereditary factors, mental stress, a weakened immune system, and certain dietary deficiencies. Toenail psoriasis symptoms often include red, flaky, itchy skin that surrounds each toenail. Other signs of this condition can be pitted nails with lines or ridges running through them, thickened skin under the nails, and loose nails that eventually lift away from the nail bed. Treating nail psoriasis on toes often involves the use of topical medications and preventative measures such as keeping your feet clean and dry.
Psoriasis in any area of the body occurs when the rate of cell growth accelerates to the point where new cells cannot replace old cells fast enough. Medical researchers usually tie this acceleration to an overactive immune system that gets the wrong signals to produce too many skin cells too quickly. This faulty immune function is normally inherited, and people who have at least one parent with skin or nail psoriasis are more likely to develop the problem themselves at some point in their lives. Most individuals with toenail psoriasis also have periodic outbreaks of skin psoriasis on at least one other area of the body such as the elbows, scalp, or knees.
Certain environmental factors may be additional causes of nail psoriasis in people already predisposed to the condition. Lack of adequate vitamin B intake can sometimes trigger more severe cases of toenail psoriasis. Some sufferers find that adding zinc supplements to their diet can help reduce symptoms and improve the appearance of toenails with noticeable dimpling, discolored spots, and horizontal lines. Doctors often recommend that psoriasis sufferers also eat plenty of fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water every day, and exercise regularly.
Just like with other types of psoriasis, toenail psoriasis has no permanent cure. People with this condition have a variety of treatment options that are effective as long as they follow their doctors’ instructions. More severe cases of toenail psoriasis can be treated with prescribed oral or topical medications depending on the current health conditions of different patients. Psoriasis sufferers can also minimize outbreaks on toes by wearing socks made with breathable material, keeping toenails clean, and avoiding activities such as sports that could cause impact injuries to the nails.