A virtual sales assistant handles sales support tasks remotely using internet programs, telephones, and fax lines. Hiring a virtual assistant can save money and is suitable for part-time help. Their tasks include lead generation, customer service, and sales support.
A virtual sales assistant is a person who virtually handles a variety of sales support tasks, such as lead generation and follow-up, record keeping, and customer service. This means that the person hired for this job does not do business in a building managed by their employer and usually does not interact with customers face-to-face. Instead, he typically handles his duties remotely, such as using Internet programs, telephones, and fax lines. In addition, most of your interaction with customers and contacts is typically through Internet messaging, email, and web conferencing.
A person may consider hiring a virtual business assistant for a variety of reasons. For example, you may need part-time rather than full-time help and determine that hiring a virtual assistant will prove to be a better option. In some cases, you may choose this option to minimize your expenses – you may not be required to contribute to expenses such as medical and unemployment insurance for someone who works virtually, for example. He can also save money he would normally spend by ensuring that his new hire has a suitable place to work, a computer and any other necessary equipment. Additionally, an employer may decide that a virtual professional is a good choice when he needs assistance with sales and the leads he generates across the country or around the world.
The job of a virtual sales assistant is similar to that of a regular assistant, with the exception that they don’t do their job from a specific physical location. Instead, she typically works from home or in the office, using computers, the Internet, telephones and fax lines to communicate with employers and sales contacts. For example, if a sales assistant is responsible for following up on sales leads for a company, she may do so by email, telephone or fax.
The tasks that a person has to perform as a sales virtual assistant may depend on the particular needs of the person hiring him. In many cases, however, his responsibilities will include generating sales leads or following up on leads provided by his employer. May also answer questions, log concerns, provide general sales support and attempt to help close employer sales deals. A virtual business assistant might also handle telephone and Internet marketing activities; produce a variety of sales reports; and track clients, customers and leads.