Raffinate is the leftover material after a desired chemical or material has been removed from a chemical or mechanical process. It can be a liquid or solid and may require further processing or treatment to avoid environmental problems. In petroleum processing, a common raffinate stream is the C4 stream, which contains valuable raw materials for plastics and fuels. Mining also produces raffinates, which are often chemically treated to extract additional metals. Raffinates can contain hazardous materials that require special treatment before disposal to prevent environmental contamination.
A raffinate describes any material that remains from a chemical or mechanical process after a desired chemical or material has been removed. It can describe a liquid or a solid and can be further processed in additional steps or treated as a waste material. Even if a raffinate is not used to recover additional products, it may require further treatment to avoid creating environmental problems when sent to a landfill or disposal site.
When crude oil is processed in a refinery, a carbon-based blend of petroleum products is produced. Similar products can be created by reactions of natural gas, or methane, to form complex organic or carbon-containing molecules. Several processes can be used to extract the desired compounds, including boiling distillation of liquids, or solvent or water extraction from liquids or solids. After any of these processes have been completed, a raffinate remains which is often further processed to remove additional materials.
A common raffinate stream in petroleum processing is known as a C4 stream. The term C4 refers to the four carbon atoms in the various molecules being processed. A C4 molecule is described as belonging to the butane family and can include butene, isobutane and isobutylene. All have four carbon atoms in their molecules and are valuable as raw materials for plastics and fuels.
When a C4 stream is processed, each step yields a desired chemical and the remaining material must be further processed or discarded. Each raffinate becomes the raw material, or raw material, for the next stage of extraction or distillation. The remaining or residual product may be tar or heavy petroleum products unsuitable for further processing or commercial sale.
Mining uses a combination of several steps to remove the desired metals from the raw ore or metal-containing earth or rock. Ore grinding and separation using mechanical agitators or separators can be used to separate some metals from rock. The rock, now considered a raffinate, is often chemically treated to extract or remove additional metals. In some cases, chemical reaction liquids are also refined, because they are processed in multiple steps to remove as much of the precious metal as possible.
Chemical processing of many materials can create residues or waste products that require special treatment to prevent environmental contamination. Gold and other metallic ores contain small amounts of radioactive compounds which can be concentrated in the raffinate stream. These materials may require further processing to minimize the risk to both people and the environment. Processing petroleum creates heavy tar-like compounds that can cause cancer in humans and may need to be incinerated or further processed before disposal. Some of the chemicals used to process raffinates are hazardous and must be removed before disposal.