Surgical retractors are tools used by surgeons to hold tissue during surgery, ensuring a clear view of the surgical site and preventing damage to retracted tissues. They come in different shapes and sizes, and can be manual or self-locking. They are made of stainless steel or polymeric materials.
Surgeons use a variety of tools to hold tissue so that the area of the body they operate on is easily accessible. These instruments are collectively referred to as surgical retractors. They play a vital role during surgery, as they ensure a clear view of the surgical site and also help prevent the retracted tissues from being damaged.
Surgical retractors come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and designs. They are typically indicated in terms of the type of tissue or organ to be retracted; some examples include abdominal retractors, pulmonary retractors, and skin retractors. Many varieties, such as the Balfour retractor, are named after the person who invented them.
While the basic purpose of all these tools is the same, their specific functions may vary. Some retractors keep the edges of an incision apart. Others hold back organs that can naturally block the operative field to give the surgeon unobstructed access. Tools used to separate tissue and then hold it in place, such as rib retractors, can also be considered retractors.
The two main types of surgical retractors are manual and self-locking. Manual retractors are designed to be held by assistants during the surgical procedure. The self-locking retractors can be adjusted and locked in place to hold their position without further manual intervention. Both types have advantages and disadvantages. While handhelds may offer more flexibility than self-locking styli, it may be more difficult to maintain the correct level of retraction with them.
There are many different shapes of surgical retractors, designed according to their function. Both the handles and blades of retractors come in many styles. The blades can be straight or curved, narrow or wide, and have a smooth, hooked or slanted shape. Handles may include notches, rings or hooks to make them comfortable and easy to hold. The instruments are also available in a variety of sizes to accommodate surgery in all patients from children to adults.
Stainless steel is often used to make surgical retractors, as it is very strong and easy to sterilize. It does have some drawbacks, however, that can be dangerous during a surgical procedure. It becomes very slippery when wet, conducts heat easily, and is highly reflective in bright light. To eliminate these problems, retractors can also be made from a variety of polymeric materials. Any material used to make a retractor must have the ability to be autoclaved.