American Girl dolls, which have sold over 29 million units since 1986, introduced their first male doll, Logan Everett, in February 2017. The brand has shifted from historical backstories to contemporary characters and is adapting to changing attitudes towards gender labeling in toys.
More than 29 million American Girl dolls have been sold since the brand was introduced in 1986. But there had never been a doll in the line, until now. In February 2017, a boy doll named Logan Everett was added to the popular toy line, as part of a new collection featuring a Nashville music motif. Originally, the Pleasant Company “was a company of girls, and whatever was good for girls, was ours to give them,” according to early promotional material. However, their newest products show that the American Girl brand is willing to change with the times, including meeting the demand for a male doll in their collection.
When a doll is more than a doll:
Early American Girl dolls had historical accessories and backstories highlighting events in American history, such as tensions between pioneers and Native American tribes or the horrors of child labor.
In 1998, the Pleasant Company was acquired by Mattel. The brand’s new approach focuses on introducing more contemporary characters with less controversial storylines.
Logan’s arrival highlights a major shift in how merchandisers and advertisers now view the genre. Many retailers have eliminated gender labels in their toy sections, thereby broadening the appeal of their products to all young consumers.