Starvation occurs when an individual lacks nutrients, causing exhaustion and fatigue. Nutrients aid in growth, tissue repair, and energy production. Macronutrients, minerals, and vitamins are essential for bodily functions. Starvation can result from hunger, malnutrition, or conditions like anorexia. Malnutrition can be caused by an unbalanced or inadequate diet, and poverty can lead to malnourishment.
Starvation is the term used to describe an individual who suffers from fatigue and exhaustion due to a lack of nutrients circulating throughout the body. Nutrients are vital to an individual’s survival and affect an individual’s physiological functioning. By entering the body through food, nutrients aid in growth, tissue repair, and energy production. Typical causes of starvation include starvation and malnutrition.
Different periods of life require different amounts of calories with respect to energy production. For example, during adolescence, energy production is high, so calorie needs are higher. In these periods the necessary calories come from nutrients, an essential component for every aspect of life. Actions like breathing, moving, and thinking all rely on three main types of nutrients: macronutrients, minerals, and vitamins.
Macronutrients come from carbohydrates found in starchy foods, such as potatoes, protein found in meat, and fats including the polyunsaturated fats found in soybeans and the monounsaturated fats in olive oil. Minerals are found in most foods and provide essential nutrients to the body. Some include calcium found in milk, phosphorus found in grains and legumes, and potassium from vegetables. Like minerals, vitamins are found in many foods and vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin D, are important for several bodily functions including vision, immunity and bone health.
When an individual experiences starvation from macronutrient, mineral, and vitamin undernourishment, symptoms include exhaustion, lack of energy, malaise, and/or listlessness. Exhaustion can result in a lack of physical and mental activity, often leading an individual to withdraw from daily activities. The most common causes of starvation include starvation and malnutrition, both of which result in a lack of nutrients circulating throughout the body.
When starvation arises from hunger, it is because the individual has not eaten for a long period of time. During this condition, the body produces harmful chemicals such as ketones and acetones. Ketones are produced by imperfect oxidation of fats in the body, while acetones are produced by partial oxidation of fatty acids. A starving individual will experience excessive weight loss and changes in metabolism. There are many causes of starvation, including conditions like anorexia.
Malnutrition can also cause starvation and occurs as a result of an unbalanced or inadequate diet. The cause of malnutrition can be the result of inadequate absorption of nutrients from the intestinal tract, or it can be the result of a total lack of an essential nutrient. Individuals living in poverty often find themselves malnourished.