Linkage groups are sets of genes inherited together, often transmitted through recombination. They can be used to map genomes and identify regions implicated in disease or instability. Linkage group analysis has applications in human health, identifying new genes and drug targets.
A linkage group is a set of genes that are close enough in a genome to be inherited together. The transcription and translation of genes in the group may or may not be related to each other, and their exact activity depends as much on the organism they encode as on how close they are to each other. In simple cells that lack a nucleus called prokaryotes, the genes that make up the units of the operon can be considered linkage groups. Eukaryotes, more complex cells, do not have an equivalent structural grouping in their genomes, but despite the lack of operons they can contain many linkage groups. Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes transmit linkage groups largely through recombination.
Recombination is a process by which variability can increase in a genome and consists of pieces of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) breaking apart and reconnecting at entirely new places. When a linkage group is involved in recombination, all genes within the group tend to stick together, so all gene activity is rearranged at the same time. This movement can be to a different spot on the same chromosome or to a completely different chromosome. Usually, the movement of the nucleic acid by recombination does not disrupt the function of a linker group. Link groups can be broken during recombination, but the probability of this happening is quite low.
Since genes in a linkage group tend to stick together, they can also be studied together. Linkage groups can be used to map a genome in terms of both structure and function, identifying regions that may be implicated in disease or regions that are inherently unstable due to their genetic makeup. In this way, a number of genomes have been mapped, including multiple important food crops. Once a particular crop is mapped, the map can provide a model for selective breeding to improve crop quality or yield in various ways.
Link group identification has many applications related to human health, from identifying genetic diseases to analyzing the genes of dangerous microorganisms or parasites. Linkage group analysis can also be used to identify new genes and genes that react differently to drugs or environmental stressors. Genes that confer resistance to drugs, pathogens, or parasites can also be found in linkage groups and, depending on the circumstances, can provide many drug targets or beneficial sequences for use in gene therapies. The discovery of linkage groups has created a plethora of new opportunities for analyzing genetic sequences and using them to our advantage.