Lottery drums mix tickets for fair draws and can be rented or purchased for fundraisers. Different types and sizes are available, including acrylic or metal models, and they can be used for various types of prize draws.
Lottery drums are devices used to rotate and shuffle lottery tickets to ensure that prizes are drawn fairly and randomly. By ensuring that raffle tickets are properly mixed, rental drums add legitimacy to a raffle fundraiser. Lottery drums also provide an enticing display that can encourage more people to enter a lottery. Organizations that hold many fundraisers may decide to purchase one or more raffle drums, although it is possible to rent a raffle drum for special occasions.
A lottery is a game of chance in which individuals typically buy or receive punched tickets. A number is printed on each side of the perforation, and lottery participants tear off one end of the ticket and place it in a lottery drum. When it’s time to draw the winner, or winners, the person conducting the lottery usually tosses the tickets into the lottery drums by turning a crank, causing the drums to spin and shuffle the tickets. Finally, after the tickets have been properly shuffled, a door will open on the drum and the winner or winners will be chosen. Raffle tickets are typically sold as a fundraiser or given as a “thank you” to guests of a fundraising activity.
Some organizations use lottery drums for other types of prize draws. For example, some drawings do not require the use of a punched-out lottery ticket. Individuals can simply write their name, and perhaps their contact information, on a slip of paper which is then inserted into the drum. Instead of calling out the numbers, the official conducting the drawing simply calls out the winner’s name after retrieving their entry.
There are different types of lottery drums available, as well as various sizes. Many organizations that use raffle drums prefer to use acrylic or metal drums, as they are visible through which they can increase both the excitement and integrity of the fundraiser. Some lottery drums, however, are opaque and can come in different shapes and designs, like the balls used in different types of sports. Lottery drums are sometimes designed to stand upright on the floor, though many are meant to rest on a table. Floor-standing models are typically larger than table-top versions, although table-top models have the advantage of safety: Because they sit on a table that is presumably manned by an organization’s staff member or volunteer, someone can keep an eye on the lottery drum to ensure the integrity of the drawing.