Human attention can be influenced by sleep, diet, multitasking, and substance use. ADHD is a disorder that can also affect attention span and can be managed with medication or therapy.
Human attention can be influenced by the choices a person makes, such as how much sleep they choose or what they choose to eat. The number and types of tasks a person attempts to perform at any given time can also affect their attention span. Substances such as alcohol and drugs can have a negative impact on a person’s attention span and concentration. Sometimes, however, attention problems stem from a disorder.
Rest, or lack thereof, can affect human attention. When people are tired, it can be much harder for them to concentrate. Parents tend to think that kids need a certain amount of sleep to be at their best. While this is true, the same is true for adults. At any age, cognitive abilities tend to be sharpest when individuals have had an adequate amount of rest.
An individual’s diet can also affect their attention span and concentration. This is one reason why breakfast is encouraged. Since it is the first meal of the day and people generally have a number of tasks ahead of them that require their attention, eating breakfast is important. As far as caution goes, it’s recommended that a person include some type of lean protein among their breakfast selections.
Multitasking is often considered a desirable trait, but it is one that can negatively affect human attention span. When a person tries to engage in more than one task, he must try to divide his attention between them. Depending on the tasks at hand, a person may be able to do it without any problems. There are many instances, however, where a person simply doesn’t have an adequate supply of attention to divide between all the tasks that they perform, resulting in a problem. A prime example is when a mother who tries to interact with her children while driving and talking on a cell phone has an accident.
Alcohol, legal drugs and illicit drugs can also have a negative effect on human attention. The manner and degree of impact will depend on the type and quantity of substances consumed. Some can dull a person’s attention span or reduce an individual’s ability to concentrate. If substance use evolves into addiction, the craving can have a serious impact on a person’s ability to focus on tasks other than obtaining the addictive substance.
Human attention can also be affected by disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Many people suffer from conditions like this without realizing it. Additionally, it is common for medical professionals to have difficulty diagnosing these conditions or even misdiagnose them. Symptoms can include lack of ability to concentrate, being easily distracted, and having difficulty sitting still. Once such a condition is discovered, it can be managed with medication or other types of therapy.