Basic earnings per share is the total net earnings over a period divided by the number of shares issued. It helps investors and analysts assign a value to shares and measure the company’s performance. A decrease in basic EPS may indicate a problem that needs to be investigated.
Basic earnings per share, also known as basic EPS, is the total amount of cumulative net earnings over a specified period, divided by the number of shares issued by the company. A proper calculation of this figure helps the company determine how much of that net earnings actually belongs to each of those outstanding shares. While not considered the most accurate of all processes to use in terms of stock analysis, this method is used by a number of analysts and investors, as well as companies that issue stocks.
The easiest way to understand how to calculate a company’s basic earnings per share is to assume that a company made a total net profit of $50,000,000 in US dollars (USD). That same company had a total of 10,000,000 shares outstanding. Dividing the net earnings of $50M by the shares outstanding of 10M, basic earnings per share is found to be $5.
Analysts can use this calculation to assign a value to shares, a factor that can be very important when trading shares. Similarly, investors considering buying shares of stocks will also view this as a way of measuring the return that can be reasonably expected, based on the company’s performance over the time period considered. People can use basic earnings per share to decide whether to hold current shares, sell those shares, or try to buy additional shares. Companies also use the determination of basic earnings per share as a measure of how well the company is doing in terms of increasing sales and therefore generating profit.
If the basic earnings per share for a given period is lower than the previous period, this is an indicator that something has changed. That change does not necessarily mean that the company is headed for financial difficulties. The net profit generated during the period may have decreased due to changes in the price structure of the products produced and sold. In addition, the withdrawal of some debts through balloon payments that fell due during the period, or some other financial situation that was temporary and not likely to be repeated in future periods. If neither of these types of events is the cause of the decrease in basic earnings per share, company officials may begin an investigation, identify the factor or factors that caused the decrease, and take steps to correct those problems.
Smart Asset.