Dealing with toddler tantrums in public can be challenging. Parents should give a stern warning and follow through with leaving if necessary. If at a restaurant, take the child to the car and wait until they calm down. Plan outings around nap time and bring snacks or toys to prevent tantrums. Don’t worry about others’ opinions, as tantrums are a normal part of childhood.
Parents of young children often know what to do when their child throws a tantrum. Most choose to ignore it, as it is a normal part of the terrible twos. When a child’s tantrums are in public, though, they can’t always be ignored. There are several ways to deal with children’s tantrums in public.
As soon as a tantrum starts showing its wicked head, give your child a stern warning. Let her know that if she throws a tantrum, you’ll leave. Be prepared to act on that warning if he throws a full-blown tantrum, as he will never back down if you don’t follow through. If the tantrums continue, make a hasty exit.
When a toddler tantrum happens at a restaurant and walking away isn’t an option, take your toddler to the car. Let him know that his behavior is unacceptable and that he will stay put until he calms down. Secure him to his car seat and stay out of the car until his tantrum stops. When he has calmed down, calmly explain to him that the way he behaved was unacceptable and ask him to try again.
Child tantrums often occur on play dates or at friends’ houses. Try to put your baby on pause. If that doesn’t work and the tantrums persist, apologize to the host and leave. Children will never learn to control their explosions if they are allowed to stay and continue playing.
It’s always best to try to prevent tantrums in public. When taking your child out in public, plan ahead for the trip. If you go shopping, bring a couple of toys to keep him entertained. When you go out to eat, bring snacks to curb his appetite until the food arrives. Many children’s tantrums are caused by hunger or boredom.
Plan your outings around nap time and bedtime to avoid baby tantrums. A child is unable to control his outbursts when tired. If you’re going grocery shopping, schedule it for early in the morning or in the afternoon, right after nap time. Babies are the most cooperative after a good rest.
Tantrums are a normal part of being a child. When tantrums occur in public, some people may try to blame the parent. Just shrug it off, because childless people may not understand. Somewhere nearby, though, there’s likely to be another parent who has been in your shoes and understands that he’s all part of the terrible twos.