Microwave sales in the US have declined 40% from 2004 to 2014, with approximately 90% of households owning one. Little technological change and a preference for fresher foods are thought to be contributing factors.
Microwaves have lost popularity in US homes, with annual appliance sales declining 40% from 2004 to 2014. Approximately 90% of American households owned a microwave oven in early 2014. This number is thought to The high number of microwave owners contributed to the low number of new purchases because microwave technology did not change significantly during this time period, so there was little incentive to switch to a new appliance. Microwaves are also thought to be losing popularity due to a movement towards fresher foods and higher quality foods instead of processed convenience foods.
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The microwave was invented in 1945 after engineer Percy Spencer was experimenting with radar and found it melted a candy bar in his pocket.
The first microwave oven sold to consumers was released in 1955 and retailed for approximately $1,300 US Dollars (USD). By 1967, the average price had been reduced to $500 USD and ownership had become more widespread.
While the popularity of microwaves has declined, the popularity of other home appliances, such as slow cookers, toasters and rice cookers, increased by 50% from 2000 to 2014.