During World War II, the Allied Powers considered lacing Hitler’s meals with estrogen to make him less aggressive. Other strange ideas included dropping glue or poisonous snakes on enemy troops. The war caused about 50 million deaths.
World War II lasted between 1939 and 1945 and caused a total of about 50 million deaths. In an effort to end the war early and win over the Axis Powers, the Allied Powers came up with a number of interesting ideas. One of the strangest was the plan to laced Hitler’s meals with estrogen in an attempt to make him less aggressive. Estrogens, the class of female sex hormones, are known to have the effect of reducing aggression in males. Since Adolf Hitler tested his meals before he ate them, the Allied Powers figured it would be easy for spies to lace his food with estrogen without anyone detecting it. The estrogen would take effect over the course of several months, ideally making the Nazi leader less aggressive. While the idea was never implemented, it was seriously considered. Making Adolf Hitler more feminine wasn’t the only strange idea that crossed the minds of the Allied Powers during World War II. Other ideas included dropping glue or poisonous snakes on enemy troops.
Read more about WWII:
The Allied Powers dropped an average of 27,700 bombs a month on enemy troops during World War II.
More Russians died in the Siege of Stalingrad than all American and British dead combined during the entire war.
William Hitler, nephew of Adolph Hitler, was a service member of the United States Navy during World War II.