The Chinese birth calendar predicts a baby’s gender based on the mother’s age and month of conception. It uses lunar age and months, which differ from Western methods, and its accuracy varies. While it is seen as a novelty, more accurate methods like ultrasound are available.
The Chinese birth calendar is a chart that predicts a baby’s gender based on the mother’s age and month of conception. The original card was allegedly found in an ancient royal tomb near Beijing and is currently located at the Beijing Institute of Science. The Chinese birth calendar can be found on numerous websites, and accuracy is variously predicted to be 50% to 99%.
The Chinese birth calendar has ages 18 to 45 on one axis and months on the other axis, and to use it, you locate the box corresponding to the appropriate maternal age and month of conception. Each box indicates the male or female gender. There are some differences between Chinese and Western timing methods that may skew the results.
First, the lunar age of the mother should be used. This is calculated by determining the number of lunar years you have lived, so it is always a year or two older than your age by Western reckoning. Lunar age increases with each lunar new year, which takes place between January 21 and February 20, rather than your birth date.
Also, the Chinese months don’t exactly match the Western months. Rather, everyone starts on a new moon. Also, the current Chinese calendar is corrected to match the calendar year; for example, there is a thirteenth leap month every two or three years. If the Chinese birth calendar were as old as they say, it would be based on an older lunar system, with all dates slightly off. All of the Chinese birth calendars available on the Internet use Western months, so it’s hard to tell if you’re using it correctly.
Most people see the Chinese birth calendar as a mere novelty. The supposed scientific basis behind it is that a woman’s vaginal secretions at various points in her life are more or less hospitable to the slightly smaller Y-chromosome sperm responsible for conceiving a male fetus. However, much more scientific and accurate methods are available today, such as ultrasound, if a woman wishes to know the sex of her baby.