Perpetual preferred stock has no expiration date and guarantees redemption privileges and dividend payments for as long as the investor holds the shares. It offers benefits of both equity and debt instruments, but rarely grants voting privileges. There are different types, including perpetual cumulative preferred stock. It is attractive to conservative investors seeking stable returns and those uninterested in voting on corporate issues.
Perpetual preferred stock is a type of preferred stock that does not have any type of expiration date. This means that the guarantee will maintain the redemption privileges of the shares for as long as the investor retains possession of those shares. As a result, the shareholder will also continue to receive dividend payments from the investment for as long as he or she continues to hold the shares. Conservative investors often have at least a few such options, as stocks of this type are usually stable and will earn consistent returns without carrying a lot of risk.
As with all types of preferred stock, perpetual preferred stock provides investors with an investment option that combines the benefits of both an equity security and a debt instrument. Stock issues of this type can usually be converted into common stock, but rarely grant the shareholder voting privileges. In the event that the issuer of perpetual preferred stock goes bankrupt, shareholders with the type of guarantee have seniority over common stock holders, meaning their claims are addressed first. At the same time, both types of stock options are subordinated to the bonds issued by the bankrupt company.
There is actually more than one type of perpetual preferred stock. An option is known as perpetual cumulative preferred stock. This particular type of investment opportunity makes it possible for dividends earned over multiple periods to accumulate, resulting in a cumulative dividend payout for investors. The terms and conditions associated with the action must specify this type of payment arrangement in order for the issuer to provide cumulative payments. Otherwise, dividend payments are issued for each period, and such payments are made on or before a range of dates identified in the terms of the shares.
Perpetual preferred shares are attractive to certain types of investors. Anyone who prefers to focus on investments that carry a low rate of volatility while providing a constant and reliable rate of return will find this option worth considering. Investors who have no interest in participating in the election of corporate officers or voting on other issues facing the issuing entity will also find this type of stock option a good option. For investors who prefer to focus on short-term investments that are more volatile and have the potential to generate higher returns, perpetual preferred stock may be considered an unattractive asset to include in an investment portfolio.
Smart Asset.