Rhodium’s price is influenced by supply and demand, with South Africa and Russia being the largest producers. Speculation and general market trends also affect the price, making it volatile. Investors can capitalize on price changes by understanding these factors.
There are a number of factors that help determine the price that rhodium, a popular precious metal, trades on world financial markets. Rhodium is a commodity, a physical metal that is traded in various ways on all continents and through various exchanges and trading venues. Investors who understand how various factors influence the price of rhodium will have a better chance of capitalizing on price gains or losses for this type of metal commodity.
When rhodium is priced per ounce, like other precious metals, supply is a major part of the price change. Classically, the largest amounts of rhodium come from the countries of South Africa and Russia. Investors continue to watch for any increases in rhodium inventories, or rhodium supply disruptions, to try to identify rhodium price changes in the market.
Another big aspect of the rhodium price is the demand for this precious metal. Rhodium is used in some technologies, such as aircraft design, as well as in some types of jewelry. It is also used in a vehicle’s catalytic converter, as are other precious metals such as palladium. “Catalytic converter demand” alone can drive price changes for rhodium, palladium, and other relatively rare metals.
Investors who want to understand rhodium price changes will also see how speculation affects a wide range of products. These days, rhodium and other precious metals provide the basis for a multitude of mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, and other investment vehicles that sometimes provide feedback on the overall price of precious metals. That means speculation is having a bigger influence on how commodities are valued, leading to much more volatility for items like rhodium.
One way that traders try to capitalize on rhodium, or any other precious metal, is by identifying general market trends. Although precious metals have relatively fixed values, that is, specific values per ounce, general market trends can change how much buyers are willing to pay for this commodity. These days, investors are “timing the market” for commodities, just like they time the stock market, as new fund opportunities offer the ability to “get in and out” of precious metals quickly. All of this is critical to understanding how investors view rhodium and other precious metals, not just as items used for consumer or commercial products, but as abstract money makers that can dramatically change in value.
Smart Asset.