Kidney failure symptoms include decreased urine output, fluid retention, bloating, drowsiness, shortness of breath, fatigue, chest pain, seizures, or coma. Acute kidney failure is reversible, but both types require medical attention. Treatment involves addressing underlying diseases and symptoms, with dialysis sometimes necessary.
Signs and symptoms of kidney failure include decreased urine output, fluid retention, bloating, drowsiness, shortness of breath, fatigue, and in severe cases, chest pain, seizures, or coma. While a decrease in urine output is a common symptom, it may not be a marked decrease. Fluid retention is the most obvious sign, and swelling of the feet, ankles, or legs due to fluid buildup is usually evident.
Kidney failure occurs when the kidneys lose their ability to remove excess fluid and waste products from the bloodstream. It can happen suddenly due to trauma or injury, after complicated or extensive surgery, or when blood flow to the kidneys is cut off. This is called acute kidney failure and often happens to patients who are already hospitalized. Unlike chronic renal failure, which occurs gradually over time as a secondary consequence of a primary disease or condition, the acute type is reversible.
Both types of kidney failure require medical attention. If the early signs of this condition go unnoticed, wastes start to build up inside the body and can be fatal. If a person who is diabetic, has high blood pressure, has recently had major surgery, or has had heat stroke stops passing urine or starts retaining fluids, they should see a doctor as soon as possible.
Treatment for this condition involves treating any underlying disease that might be damaging the kidneys, and then treating the symptoms of kidney failure while the kidneys heal. In most cases, a change in eating habits is needed. In some cases, dialysis may be required, which is a way of mechanically removing excess toxins from the body. Dialysis might be temporary for acute kidney failure, but the chronic type may require lifelong dialysis if a kidney transplant fails or isn’t an option.