Consumer behavior analysts research consumer habits and prepare reports to help businesses improve sales and customer relationships. They use data from multiple sources, including surveys and social media, to predict future consumption patterns and advise on marketing strategies. A background in marketing or psychology is typically required.
Companies hire analysts to research consumer behavior, such as which products they prefer, and prepare reports and forecasts to help them improve sales or customer relationships. Many different types of businesses hire consumer behavior analysts, and while most of these businesses sell physical products, others sell services, entertainment, or other intangibles. Employers generally look for analysts who have at least a bachelor’s degree or equivalent in marketing or psychology, but educational and work experience requirements vary depending on the company’s needs. Some employers refer to the role as Director of Customer Insights or Manager of Customer Insights.
A consumer behavior analyst is typically a researcher and data analyst who studies consumer buying habits and other behaviors that affect a company’s sales. Many employers expect the analyst to prepare reports on past customer habits and predict future habits and develop this information into an improved sales campaign. Typically, analysts use this information to segment customers by various demographics, including age, gender, and location. Other demographic information could be the consumer’s purchasing habits, social status, or income range.
Often, a consumer behavior analyst brings together data from multiple sources. Some of these sources are internal or external or both, such as suppliers and customers. Popular data sources are surveys, which may be conducted by the company under the direction of the consumer behavior analyst or outsourced to a research firm or professional research. In both cases, the company’s consumer analyst merges the survey information with data collected from other sources.
Typically, consumer behavior analysts use data from multiple sources. For example, a consumer behavior analyst for a film or television production company might use television ratings and other industry statistics, viewership data, and social media data. The entertainment industry often uses this data to improve marketing strategies and advertising campaigns for new television shows, movies and video games.
Consumers rarely realize that consumer behavior analysts are tracking their spending habits. Some of the modern ways of tracking a consumer’s shopping habits include collecting data through store reward cards, website usage, and credit card purchases. Often, an analyst or computer program can determine a person’s age, gender, and income from these sources. Utilizing a strong background in psychology, an analyst can often predict future consumption patterns and advise the company on marketing and profitable product development.
If a person is interested in becoming a consumer behavior analyst, they should consult a college advisor. Generally, companies hire analysts with a background in marketing or psychology, with a specialization in another area. Most employers require a bachelor’s degree, but many require a master’s degree.