Bond insurance protects companies from losses caused by their work and is purchased from specialized bonding companies. It is particularly important for companies with employees handling large amounts of money or working in homes or businesses. It provides financial protection against claims made by clients and can also protect against theft committed by employees.
Bond insurance is a type of insurance purchased by companies to protect against any loss a client may suffer as a result of work performed by the company. Companies pay a premium to a specialized insurance company known as a bonding company to join. Every time a customer suffers some type of loss due to the actions of a related company, the insurer steps in and pays the customer for the company’s losses. Businesses with employees who handle large amounts of money or work after hours in homes or businesses are the most likely candidates for surety bonds.
Certain companies may work for clients who could make them liable for large payments if their employees intentionally fail to perform their duties honestly or make mistakes due to incompetence. The risk that customers could take such a company to court and sue for damages is often great enough to encourage companies to seek some protection against that risk. Bail bond insurance provides such a remedy, allowing insurance companies to step in when necessary to pay for any unexpected damage.
A company that buys surety bond insurance generally has to pay lower premiums than a typical insurance policy would pay. This is because the linking process does not anticipate some kind of calamity that might make the payment necessary. The bail bond company only steps in when necessary, which, if the bail bond company is trustworthy, it may never be. If necessary, the surety bond company provides financial protection to its clients against any claim made by its clients.
There are several industries that put companies in the position of conducting business that may require surety bond insurance. Occasions that bring employees into contact with customers’ valuables are often linked. For example, cleaning companies or exterminators, which require employees to enter homes and business residences to perform their jobs, should be linked, as employees of these companies would have access to personal possessions and business assets, increasing the risk of possibility of theft. Another example could be any company that has to handle another’s money.
Another way that bail bond insurance works is by protecting the company that buys it from any theft committed by its employees from the company itself. It is not uncommon for employees to steal from an employer. This can take the form of a worker stealing from a cash register or someone using a computer to access their employer’s business accounts. No matter the case, a member company could prevent financial disaster by carrying insurance to protect against substantial loss.
Smart Assets.