Roentgenium, with atomic number 111, is a transactinide element that must be synthesized in a linear accelerator. It is extremely unstable and has no commercial uses. It was discovered in 1994 by German researchers and named after Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen. Its chemical properties are not fully known, but scientists continue to study it in hopes of finding stable isotopes and potential uses.
Roentgenium is a metallic chemical element classified among the transactinides of the periodic table of elements. This element is one of the heaviest known to man, with atomic number 111; it was once known as unununium, a systematic name that is related to its atomic number. Like other transactinide elements, roentgenium does not occur naturally and must be synthesized in a linear accelerator, using an expensive and time-consuming process. No commercial uses have been developed for this element.
Credit for the discovery of roentgenium goes to Peter Armbruster and Gottfried Münzenber, researchers in Darmstadt, Germany. Humans artificially produced the element in 1994 by colliding nickel and bismuth in a linear accelerator. Only a handful of atoms were produced, and they were extremely short-lived, but they persisted long enough to confirm the discovery of the 111th element, also classified as a transition metal.
The chemical properties of roentgenium are not fully known, as the element exists for only a short time, making it difficult to conduct observations and experiments. Like other transactinides, roentgenium is extremely unstable and is also radioactive. Its metallic nature is actually only presumed; scientists also believe it probably has an orange to yellow cast. As a general rule, roentgenium isotopes live for only a few seconds.
The name “roentgenium” was approved for this element in 2004. It honors Welhelm Conrad Röntgen, a scientific researcher who is probably best known for his discovery of X-rays. Given the immense contribution to science that radiography represents, the German discoverers of element 111 probably wanted to ensure that the name of its discoverer lives on. You may also see his name anglicised as “Roentgen,” the spelling that has been adopted for the element name, which is abbreviated as Rg on the periodic table.
Like other synthetically produced elements, roentgenium may hold some surprises. Researchers continue to produce and study the element in hopes that they can find stable isotopes with longer lives, and perhaps a use for the element could someday be developed.