Spondylosis is spinal degeneration that can cause hernias, nerve compression, pain, weakness, and loss of control. Treatment includes external devices, osteopathic or chiropractic techniques, and surgery.
Spondylosis is a health condition that affects the shape and function of the spine. In essence, spondylosis is spinal degeneration that involves the unnatural formation of one or more vertebrae in the spine. Generally, the condition is thought to be due to onset of old age, although there are some factors that can lead to spondylosis in younger people.
A complicating factor of spondylosis is the development of hernias in the region of the spine. The presence of a hernia can create pressure on the discs that make up the column and can lead to the formation of osteophytes which make deformation of the vertebrae much more likely. A hernia can be the result of an accident or a certain degree of unusual strain that puts more strain on the muscles and structure of the back than can reasonably be managed.
Spondylosis also involves narrowing of the space between two adjacent vertebrae. Without the space, it is possible for the vertebrae to compress nerve roots and create a great deal of localized pain. Overall compression of the spine can also result in pain that travels throughout the body, affecting the arms, legs, shoulders, neck and back. Spondylosis can also impact the function of various organs, leaving the individual with a general sense of weakness, a reduced sense of balance, and loss of bladder and bowel control.
Depending on the severity of the condition, spondylosis can be treated with external devices, such as a neck brace. The collar helps bring the vertebrae back into a natural alignment and prevents pinching of the nerves. However, the use of external devices should be viewed as a means of providing temporary pain relief and not as a permanent solution.
Some relief can also be obtained with the use of osteopathic or chiropractic techniques administered by a healthcare professional. While providing longer lasting pain relief, it is important to remember that these therapies treat the symptoms and generally do not affect the reasons why spondylosis develops. Typically, surgery is needed to create a more permanent solution to the condition.