Price gouging can refer to unfair pricing or be a legal term in regions with laws against consumer exploitation during emergencies. While free-market proponents argue that raising prices during high demand is common sense, consumers often feel the brunt of high prices. Price reduction charges can result in fines, and reporting the problem is available through government agencies in countries with price protections. Companies can justify some price inflation due to risk pay and increased costs during emergencies.
The term “price gouging” is used in two different ways. In casual use, it refers to raising the prices of goods or services to a level that is perceived to be unfair. It is also a legal term in some regions of the world, where laws exist against the exploitation of consumers when a period of emergency has been declared. This type of price crash might occur during a hurricane, for example, when a store owner might raise the price of emergency supplies to profit from increased demand.
When people use the term casually, they usually mean to suggest that the prices in a store or business are unfair and represent unreasonable profits. In a free-market system, of course, no profit is “unreasonable,” and proponents of free-market capitalism point out that raising the prices of goods in high demand is simply common sense. Consumers generally feel differently because they are the ones who bear the brunt of the high prices.
People may recognize that high prices are indeed reasonable when they consider the cost of production and overhead for the company selling the product, but they may still grumble. This is especially common in times of economic inflation, when prices often seem to spiral out of control and companies can appear to be price-shooting. Indeed, many companies suffer greatly during times of inflation, as they struggle to keep prices low enough to keep customers, while still generating profits on goods that have suddenly become much more expensive to obtain or produce.
From a legal point of view, price reduction can be a serious problem. In nations with price laws, the law typically states that when an emergency is declared, unusually high prices may be deemed illegal. If a price reduction charge can be proved, the offender is usually fined. Goods such as gas, food, ice and other emergency supplies are particularly vulnerable to this practice, as nearly everyone needs these supplies and people will pay all costs to get them.
In countries with price protections, a means of reporting the problem is usually readily available through a government agency. Forms can be filled out in person or over the Internet, and some agencies even have hotlines that people can call to report potentially illegal activity. Consumers may want to be aware that most companies can justify a little price inflation with the argument that they must provide risk pay for employees who work during an emergency and that goods can become more expensive when are delivered or manufactured in the event of a crisis. Therefore, price reductions are generally only taken seriously when prices are significantly high and clearly designed to benefit consumers.