The hepatitis A vaccine is effective in preventing the virus and protecting the recipient for many years, but can have side effects such as pain, swelling, and allergic reactions. Two doses are required for complete protection, and it helps prevent hospitalizations and deaths. Health experts recommend getting vaccinated despite potential side effects.
The hepatitis A vaccine is given by injection into the arm muscle of adults and children and into the thigh muscle for children. This shot is used to prevent the hepatitis A virus (HAV), which causes a serious liver infection. The advantages of this immunization are that it is very effective in preventing hepatitis A, protects the recipient for many years and becomes effective in a short period of time. These disadvantages of a hepatitis A immunization are various side effects, most of which are not serious, and the possibility of an allergic reaction. You should consider all the pros and cons of this immunization before agreeing to the procedure.
Adults and children who get a hepatitis A vaccine can be protected from physical conditions caused by the virus, including flu-like illnesses, yellow eyes or skin, stomach pains, and diarrhea. Two injection doses are required to receive complete protection from this disease. The second dose is usually given six months after the first dose. Adults who receive the entire hepatitis A vaccination can be protected for a minimum of 25 years.
Children who receive both doses of the vaccine have at least 14 to 20 years of protection from this virus. Hepatitis A immunization also helps prevent frequent hospitalizations and possible deaths, and greatly reduces the risk of spreading this disease to others in the same family. This vaccine is made with an inactive form of the virus, which promotes the body’s production of antibodies to fight HAV. Hepatitis A immunization is effective two weeks after the first dose, a factor that can be placed among its many advantages.
As with many immunizations, the drawbacks of the hepatitis A vaccine are its side effects. One of the most common side effects caused by hepatitis A immunization is a certain amount of pain, swelling, bruising, and redness where the vaccine was given. Other side effects may include headache, loss of appetite, nausea, mild fever and fatigue. These problems can occur within three to five days after the vaccine is delivered and usually last up to 48 hours.
An allergic reaction to vaccine components is a serious side effect that occurs minutes to hours after the injection is given. Although an allergic reaction is rare, symptoms of an allergic reaction after being immunized for hepatitis A could include developing a rash, high fever, difficulty breathing or swallowing, itching, weakness, and dizziness. Adults are more likely than children to suffer from many of the side effects caused by the HAV vaccine.
You can weigh the pros and cons when deciding whether to get an immunization for hepatitis A. Health experts have stressed the importance of getting immunised, regardless of potential side effects. According to these experts, getting the vaccine is safer than risking the possibility of contracting the virus.