Teacher shortages are a growing problem in public education due to factors such as reduced teacher-to-student ratios, increased training requirements, low salaries, dangerous or underfunded schools, and private sector job opportunities. Solutions require attracting and compensating teachers appropriately, providing supportive environments, and incentivizing them to stay.
Teacher shortages can be caused by a number of factors and this problem is a growing problem in many countries that offer public education. The issue has been studied extensively by a variety of governments and states in order to determine the best way to swell the ranks of teachers and what factors could be eliminated to attract more people to the profession. Often, however, there are so many causes of teacher shortages that tackling them all can be difficult.
In places like the United States, a certain shortage of teachers has been felt as the teacher-to-student ratio has been reduced in the lower grades. This meant that many schools needed twice as many teachers to teach the same number of students and created a demand that could not always be met immediately. Increased training requirements, hiring restrictions, and a more structured teaching method to meet certain educational requirements have made the field unattractive to some people who might otherwise have become teachers.
Another factor that cannot be overlooked is teachers’ salaries. Especially when pay is below the cost of living, as it can be in some large cities and urban areas, it can be difficult to encourage teachers to teach and this can lead to teacher shortages. When the pay does not allow for a reasonable living, teachers may seek out areas where they can work where their pay will stretch further. It’s quite unreasonable to expect a teacher to continue working in an area where she could never afford to buy a house or even run bills, especially since many teachers may now have to fund some of their supplies from their own salaries.
Some districts and schools may suffer from teacher shortages because they are dangerous or underfunded. Few teachers want to work in environments with personal physical risk and it can be difficult to teach if the buildings are substandard or if a school cannot afford modern and up-to-date student supplies. An additional factor that may influence some teachers is the degree to which they speak the same language. In schools with few primary language students, teachers need to speak a secondary language or develop means of communicating lessons to students who may not yet be fluent in the country’s primary language.
The cost of education has increased for public students and college students have also felt it. The higher cost of attending college and becoming a teacher may be a direct result of some teacher shortages. With many students now relying on student loans to pay for school, paying teachers becomes an issue again. How does a poorly paid teacher repay education loans and have a salary that maintains the cost of living?
Alternatively, in some fields such as maths and science, those who could teach might instead be attracted to jobs in the private sector. Private sector jobs can offer much higher pay, and some people drop out of teaching after a few years to take one of these jobs, or never intend to teach. This has created an almost constant teacher shortage in these fields, particularly at the secondary school level.
There could be many other factors causing teacher shortages, and all of them need to be considered in order to fully staff schools and eliminate the problem. Such an evaluation needs to be complex and look for ways to attract teachers, compensate them accordingly, provide them with environments where they can do their job well, and incentivize them to stay on as teachers instead of leaving for a job in the private sector. Some areas of these evaluations focus on how to streamline teacher education or how to help create more funding for education so that teachers don’t have to enter the profession with large loans to repay.