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How to complain to BBB?


The Better Business Bureau (BBB) helps resolve customer disputes with member firms and maintains corporate reputation files. Complaints can be made via phone, letter or online form. BBB apologizes for issues including employee complaints, allegations of discrimination, and medical malpractice.

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) ​​is a U.S.-based national private corporation formed of smaller local associations with the stated purpose of maintaining corporate reputation files and helping to reconcile customer disputes with member firms . The organization specifically apologizes for certain issues, including employee complaints, allegations of discrimination, or those potentially related to lawsuits and medical or medical malpractice. Nearly every small city or county has a Better Business Bureau, and some large metropolitan areas boast several. Complaints to the Better Business Bureau are made easily. A customer can telephone their local BBB to initiate their complaint, write a letter addressed to their local and country offices, or file a complaint online via their organisation’s national website.

Phone complaints to the Better Business Bureau only start the complaints process at most associations. The BBB offices will send a paper complaint form to the customer to collect the details of the complaint before starting the dispute resolution process with the company in question. The complaint form can then be returned to the Better Business Bureau by mail or fax. Information that may be collected during the initial telephone reporting process may include the names and telephone numbers of BBB representatives, whether the business is a member in good standing with the local community association, and whether any other similar complaints have been filed or recent against the company .

Letters outlining customer concerns are another way to communicate complaints to the Better Business Bureau and are often taken more seriously than phone calls. Grievance correspondence should explain the details of the customer’s complaint as clearly as possible and request specific action by the business to settle the dispute. Letters can be mailed or faxed to the BBB office and it may also be helpful to “cc” or “carbon copy” a copy of this letter to the company with which the customer has a dispute. An advantage of writing a formal complaint letter is that the client has a copy documenting his complaint and his actions.

The easiest way to file complaints with the Better Business Bureau is online through their national website. The online method takes a customer step-by-step through completing a form that includes the nature of the complaint, the specific business involved, the customer’s contact information and details of the complaint. The client making the complaint must make a copy of the final complaint form and notes on the date the complaint was submitted online to the agency.
