A service technician has advanced practical knowledge and provides service and repairs to complex items. They can be field technicians who travel to different locations or work outside shops. They require training and certification in their field of competence.
A technician is a person with advanced practical knowledge of how certain systems work. The service technician uses this knowledge to provide service and repairs to usually mechanized or complex items such as automobiles, furnaces, plumbing equipment or computers, and a wide range of other things. Thus, the service technician may target workers in a number of industries who use their expert knowledge to provide specific services or repairs.
Another term for service technician is field technician, which again can be applied to many different types of jobs. Your local cable or power company employs field technicians who are experienced in repairing or maintaining the equipment needed to provide you with power or cable. These workers are “in the field” as most of their work requires them to travel to different locations, such as residences or specific neighborhoods to conduct tests, repairs or maintenance. For example, if your power company offers free pilot lighting service every winter, a field technician from the power company comes to your home to perform this work. When the power goes out, field or service technicians work to identify the problem and fix it on the spot.
Not all service technicians are field technicians. Some work outside the shops, as is the case with automotive technicians. When you have a problem with your car, few auto mechanics or technicians come to your door. Instead you bring the car to them, where they have access to tools, testing equipment, and often a supply of parts to help repair or maintain your vehicle.
Sometimes a service technician in a particular field may work on “field” assignments or may work from a central location. For example some computer repair technicians will work in your home attempting to fix your computer or troubleshoot connection problems. In other cases, you may need to take the computer or components to a repair shop or even ship the problem computer to a central repair facility where a service technician will evaluate your problems and hopefully be able to fix them.
In some cases, the service technician must be a field technician. It is impractical for you to ship the stove to a remote location if it doesn’t work. Therefore, a person who repairs heaters or other major appliances must come to your home and work through any problems that arise on the spot.
Service technicians are usually specially trained; the auto technician usually completes training at a trade school or community college, so they can repair and maintain the vehicle. There are actually many technical certificates available through trade schools and community colleges. Other people can learn on the job and gain hours of experience. Some technicians require certification or a certain amount of apprentice training to become licensed – it really depends on the field in which the technician works. Typically, the service technician can be defined as the following: a person with significant technical and practical knowledge in a given field who is trained to provide both service (such as routine cleaning) and repair of equipment that falls within his field of competence.