Spinal cord infarction is a rare stroke caused by blockages or thickening of the arteries supplying the spinal cord, resulting in symptoms such as back pain, incontinence, and weak legs. Treatment includes physical and occupational therapy, and recovery varies depending on the severity of the stroke.
A spinal cord infarction is a stroke that occurs within the arteries supplying the spinal cord or in the spinal cord itself. These strokes are caused when the arteries supplying the spinal cord begin to thicken or close due to the development of fatty deposits or disease within the arteries. Signs of this rare condition include back pain, incontinence, and achy or weak legs. Getting treatment quickly can increase your chances of recovery after a heart attack.
Arteriosclerosis is the term used to describe the blockage or thickening of the arteries. A specific form of arteriosclerosis called atheromatosis is responsible for spinal cord infarction. Atheromatosis is the term used to describe the buildup of fatty deposits within the arteries. If this occurs in the arteries surrounding the spinal cord, a stroke can result.
Other possible causes of spinal cord infarction include aortic aneurysm, blood clots, and severe hypotension. Also, a tumor or abscess that affects one of the arteries that supply the spinal cord with oxygen and blood can lead to a heart attack. Blockages due to diabetes, meningitis, and lupus are also a concern when looking at the specific causes of a heart attack.
Symptoms of spinal cord infarction can develop within minutes of a stroke. For some, symptoms can be delayed for up to several hours. Typically, a sharp or burning pain in the back develops first along with pain in the legs. This can progress to paralysis or weakness in the legs. Other signs such as incontinence, loss of reflex and loss of temperature sensation also develop within minutes to hours of the infarction.
Doctors will do a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test to diagnose spinal cord infarction. Typically, sudden back pain in combination with other symptoms common with a spinal cord infarction leads doctors to suspect a heart attack. Other conditions that have similar symptoms include spinal cord myelitis and spinal cord compression. While possible, these other conditions typically do not present with sudden, severe symptoms.
Recovery from spinal cord infarction begins with treating symptoms. Doctors can insert a catheter to relieve urinary incontinence. Physical therapy may be ordered to help build strength in weakened limbs. Occupational therapy may also be recommended to help patients relearn basic life skills and adjust to any permanent impairments.
During the recovery process, patients will respond differently depending on the severity of the heart attack. For some, the paralysis and remaining effects of the heart attack may gradually subside. Other patients experience permanent paralysis and death is a possibility.