Chronic pyelonephritis is a persistent kidney infection that causes inflammation and scarring. It is often caused by anatomical abnormalities and can lead to permanent damage. Treatment includes antibiotics, surgery, and dietary changes, and if left untreated, it can cause kidney failure and damage to other organs.
Chronic pyelonephritis is a persistent infection of the kidneys that leads to inflammation, scarring, and other permanent damage. It is most commonly seen in patients with underlying anatomical abnormalities that predispose them to urinary tract and kidney infections. Treatment options usually include antibiotic medications to treat the infection and may involve surgery to correct an anatomical problem and prevent future infections, as well as other complications.
In patients with chronic pyelonephritis, the infection often starts lower in the urinary tract, around the bladder, with bacteria or viruses causing infection and obstruction. Urine can back up into the kidneys, causing the infection to spread in the kidneys and leading to widespread inflammation. Symptoms of pyelonephritis can include difficulty urinating, changes in urine color, and painful kidneys. In the case of chronic pyelonephritis, these symptoms persist for a long time, as the inflammation never fully resolves.
Urine samples may be taken to look for infectious organisms to diagnose infection, and patients may also be evaluated with medical imaging studies to look for signs such as swelling or other tissue changes in the kidneys. These studies will also reveal variations in the patient’s anatomy, such as urinary tract strictures, which may explain why the patient initially developed pyelonephritis and why it is so difficult to resolve.
Immediate treatment includes drugs to kill the causative organism. Once the infection has cleared up, a doctor may suggest other options such as surgery. Patients may also be advised to make dietary changes to reduce the risk of future UTIs, such as drinking cranberry juice to keep urine acidic, thus resisting bacterial growth. Some patients with chronic pyelonephritis may also be given a lifelong prescription for antibiotics which they can use when they detect signs of infection.
If this condition is left untreated, the persistent inflammation can be very damaging to the kidneys. Scarring can cause the urinary tract to narrow, making it harder for patients to express urine, and the kidneys may also fail. Over time, this can lead to damage to other organs, as once the kidneys begin to malfunction, a cascading series of reactions occurs as the body can no longer effectively regulate levels of electrolytes and waste products. Treatment of chronic pyelonephritis is essential, as are follow-up appointments to check for recurrence of the condition and provide patients with prophylactic care to prevent urinary tract infections from reaching the kidneys.