Disputed document examination analyzes documents to determine their authenticity and potential authors. Examiners use techniques such as handwriting analysis and knowledge of printing techniques. Training varies, and examiners may work independently or for forensic laboratories.
Disputed document examination is a branch of forensic medicine that focuses on the analysis of disputed documents. An interrogated document examiner will examine the document in question and use a variety of techniques to analyze it, and may even be called as a witness in a case, depending on the outcome of the examination. Many forensic laboratories maintain a forensic document examiner on staff, and some people in this field even work independently, offering their services to anyone willing to pay the fees.
The training required for a career in paper examination varies. At a minimum, a candidate must have extremely good perception and vision skills, with color blindness tending to put someone out of the field. He or she may also be encouraged to do some basic sample testing to see if he or she can notice subtle differences between the materials. Someone who is good at “spot the difference” in the Sunday paper might be a good candidate. Interrogated document examiners may do apprenticeships with people in the field or attend college programs that offer training in a laboratory setting.
When an examination of a disputed document is ordered, the first objective is to determine whether or not the document is genuine. Once the document’s veracity can be proven or disproven, scrutiny focuses on identifying or eliminating the document’s potential authors. The examiner will then produce a full report, discussing the findings and their ramifications, and may be asked to testify in court about the document.
All types of documents can be included in the disputed document review, from suspected forged checks to questionable wills. A questioned document examiner generally has extensive knowledge of printing techniques and may know a great deal about inks, pencils, rubber stamps, seals, and other implements that might be used to verify the identity of a document and its author. Handwriting analysis is another important skill in this field, as the exam may include a comparison of handwriting samples to find out if someone really wrote a note.
Stock certificates, notes, letters, birth certificates, wills, and an assortment of other materials can be subjected to interrogative documentary review. It is important to remember that the skills of the document examiners questioned vary widely; if you need one, you may want to seek a recommendation from a professional forensic association, especially if you think the document could become critical in a court case.