Ad quem and a quo are Latin phrases used to define a period of time, often in legal contexts. A quo indicates the beginning of the period while ad quem indicates the end. They can also be used to distinguish between the latest possible date for completing an action. In religious contexts, ad quem ibimus means “Whom shall we go to?” and refers to a biblical verse.
Ad quem is a Latin phrase that literally means “to” or “to whom”. It connotes a firm and specific goal towards which something is moving, often over a calculable period of time. It is often used in conjunction with other words to create a more defined sentence. It is sometimes confused with the Latin term “a quo”, which means “from which”.
A quo and ad quem are most commonly used to define a period of time. “A quo” sometimes means the beginning of this period while “as quem” indicates the end. When calculating time, the former is not counted, but the latter is. For example, if the day a quo is February 12 and the day ad quem is February 20, the entire period consists of eight days because the first day is not counted but the last is.
These terms can also be used to distinguish between the latest date by which something must occur and the latest date by which something must occur. In this case, the terms are often used in conjunction with the word “terminus”, which literally means “boundary stone”, but is generally used to indicate the end of a road, journey or process. For example, if the latest possible acceptable date for completing an action is February 20, this is the terminus ad quem. If the task must be completed before that date, functionally by midnight on February 19, February 20 is the terminus a quo.
In legal terminology, these phrases are used to define the time periods during which an action or process must be completed. This can refer to the payment of money in the event of bail, taxes, fines and spousal or child support. It can refer to the time when evidence, property, or custody of a child is also to be transferred or handed over. It can also define a period of time after a person’s death during which a beneficiary must stay alive or take some other action to inherit.
Another common use of the term is in the phrase “ad quem ibimus,” meaning “Whom shall we go to?” This phrase is often used on diplomas and official seals of religious organizations. Especially if used in a Christian context, such as the motto chosen by a bishop or a priest, this phrase refers to a biblical verse which, in Latin, reads “Domine, ad quem ibimus?” This translates to “Lord, to whom shall we go?”