Buzz and viral marketing are linked, with buzz being necessary for viral marketing to be successful. Buzz is the general positive feelings people have about a product or service, and viral marketing is successful by getting consumers to spread the word about the product. Online and viral marketing make it easier to monitor buzz and determine where to focus marketing efforts.
The connection between buzz and viral marketing isn’t always well established. Some viral marketing campaigns operate by building the look of the buzz, while others have the natural cultivation of the buzz as their primary goal. In a marketing context, buzz is defined as the general positive feelings people have about a product or service created by hearing it from people deemed important in certain social circles. A good way to think of this concept is that a product with good buzz is widely anticipated and often talked about among friends in a positive light without solicitation. Basically, buzz and viral marketing are both ways to get customers to do the advertising work themselves.
The way viral marketing is successful is by getting consumers to spread the word about the product itself, generating widespread awareness of the advertising campaign. Buzz and viral marketing are therefore linked because buzz is necessary for viral marketing to be successful. In essence, buzz is what makes viral marketing work.
Buzz and viral marketing existed before the internet, but these campaigns were often difficult to launch without the interconnection available online. Word-of-mouth advertising spreads quickly when people can share information with friends with little effort. One way viral marketing campaigns attempt to jump-start buzz is often by reaching out to a small group of influential people who may already have an interest in the product. Getting these influential people to give the product positive reviews can spread positive associations with the product to a much wider audience and quickly generate a lot of buzz.
It’s also possible for a product or service to have a buzz. This typically means that the reaction of the consumer base to the product in question is negative, and that this negative reaction is widely reported and widespread. An example of why buzz is such a big deal can be seen in the case of movies. People often rely on recommendations from friends and bloggers to determine which movies to see. A single casual remark about whether a movie is bad from a friend can convince a potential customer to see a different movie.
One of the benefits of using online and viral marketing is that the effects can easily be seen by looking at blogs, forums and social networks. Proving whether a product has a good buzz is called buzz monitoring. This service also allows a company to determine where efforts to spread the viral marketing campaign need to be pushed most intensely. Looking at which communities are most responsive to certain types of viral marketing can allow a business to launch even more effective future campaigns as well.