The age at which children stop believing in Santa Claus varies and depends on how the myth is presented. Peer relationships and budget disparities can also cause speculation. Parents should carefully consider how they introduce Santa and avoid causing unnecessary pain when children stop believing. Some people see Santa as the spirit of Christmas and continue to contribute to the myth through kind deeds. Parents can teach children to play Santa by participating in charities and spreading joy throughout the year.
When children stop believing in Santa Claus varies, and depends a lot on how Santa Claus myths are presented (if indeed they are presented) in the home. Some children are told the basics of the myth, that Santa Claus is real, comes to their homes on Christmas night, rewards good behavior and punishes bad guys, and has many magical attributes. When this is the primary teaching, many children stop believing in the story around the age of eight, although this can vary. As children begin to acquire a certain amount of logical and reasoning skills, they may figure this out on their own or begin to question the existence of Santa Claus when they see the presents in the closet before Christmas, or notice that all the presents are address to Mom or Dad’s handwriting.
Peer relationships also cause speculation, since children will meet other children who do not believe or who have already been told the “truth”. Some kids stop believing in Santa Claus when another kid assures them he doesn’t exist. Alternatively, they might notice that Santa is not universal as they acquire friends who don’t celebrate Christmas. Children may also notice the disparity between the gifts they receive and those received from friends with parents who have different budgets.
When some children stop believing in Santa, they may feel betrayed, angry, or lied to by their parents. It is very important how parents presented Santa Claus. There are many opinions about the merits or disadvantages of deliberately engaging children in a myth that their parents know isn’t true. Some parents protect themselves and represent Santa as the spirit of giving, so that every donation contains a little bit of Santa. Usually, when kids stop thinking of Santa Claus as a physical being, or if they’ve never believed in him in this way, realizing that he’s not “real” doesn’t hit so hard. Other children, who really do have a concrete picture in their mind, are absolutely devastated when this belief is taken away from them, yet others feel smart that they figured it out.
Of course, parents want to avoid causing unnecessary pain when kids stop believing in Santa, so Santa’s introduction is important. This may be contrary to the many Christmas movies and cartoons that affirm and reaffirm the existence of Santa Claus, so parents need to carefully consider which of these to allow and what discussions might take place around this issue. It’s also a good idea not to commit to the matter in any way, instead committing to a complete lie. Allow the children to tell you what they believe, and let them believe as long as they want. As they get older, and usually before they reach their preteens, they may have figured out that Santa works best for them. Parents may tell them that everyone must decide for themselves what and how to believe.
There are some children and adults who never stop believing, especially when they see Santa Claus as the spirit of Christmas and an extension of Christ. People with this viewpoint become Santa Claus and contribute to the Santa myth through their kind and generous deeds. When children express disillusionment with the myth, parents might consider teaching them how to play Santa and be Santa in their generous deeds. Parents can enlist them in charities, such as choosing or distributing toys to poor children, and share with them the joy of acting like Santa Claus during the holidays and throughout the year.